Virtual / in-person
Contact us for more infoThe perfect evaluation
tool for all teams.
Cliché or not, your people are the greatest asset of your business. And how they work together for the good of your organization is paramount. By conducting an assessment, you can help ensure you have the right people in the right jobs and enable you to maximize performance and bottom-line results.
Lat35 provides assessments that helps organizations save or make tens of millions of dollars through the bottom-line benefits it delivers.
Our assessments can enhance performance in an array of critical areas for your organization, including improved recruitment, retention, and customer service, as well as increased leadership, innovation and morale, by prioritizing judgment values over personality traits. The findings and reports generated by the assessment are a great standalone value but are best used when in combination with any one of our experiential programs.
Team leaders
Kim Ann Curtain
- Founder + CEO of The Wall Street Coach
- Producer + co-host of The Wall Street Coach Podcast
- Author of "Transforming Wall Street: A Conscious Path for a New Future"